STRATA – Marta Wörner & Noemi Calzavara | Window of Opportunity

STRATA – Marta Wörner & Noemi Calzavara | Window of Opportunity


Strata is a physical reflection on the means, strengths and paradoxes of inhabiting a common delimited space with shared rules; a critical ode to unity. The word ‘strata’ has its origin in the Latin word stratus that refers to the set of elements that share certain common characters and that are integrated with other sets for the formation of an entity.

For geology, the stratum is each of the layers into which rocks can be divided due to the sedimentation process.

Through this metaphor, the creators of the work embody an alternative narrative about the creation of Europe as a supranational Community. In this performance, the protagonist is neither a human nor a subject but the experience of the Coal mineral, paradoxically the material around which the first supranational agreement was built around.

In this dance piece, the mineral coal expresses itself throughout the movement of two dancers, offering textures, qualities, tempos, accidents, spaces, ways of inhabiting the space, shapes and insight of process formation, stratification and extraction

The piece is influenced by the study of the Schuman Declaration in 1950, the breeding ground for the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, Europe’s first supranational Community.

Fotograaf: Mihai Gui.

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